
Internal DevOps Training (2022-2023)

This free DevOps course provides an extensive look at Kubernetes, blending on-premises and cloud solutions with a focus on industry best practices. It is designed for both beginners and experienced developers, covering key aspects like development process optimization, application deployment, and infrastructure scaling. The course offers deep insights into Kubernetes, preparing learners for a successful tech industry career. Organized into well-structured lessons, it includes a wealth of resources and code snippets from various external repositories. This course is an invaluable opportunity for those seeking to enhance their DevOps skills and industry knowledge.

Alliedium AIssistant (2020-2022)

ML-based automated issue management, defect classification and bug triaging.

Awesome Software Engineering (2020-present)

A curated list of awesome software engineering resources.

An open-source tool for Apache Ignite network isolation in local development environments

Local development with Apache Ignite made simpler on Arch Linux.